Monday, August 31, 2009



Research Proposal Zzzzzz

Trying to get my head around computers and architecture, the first believed abstraction that obviously seemed to strike me was the dependence or perhaps a symbiotic relationship of the two.

Further trying to investigate i came across 4d spaces in architecture. Or like some would call it interactive architecture.

'Today, cyberspace and virtual reality offer the technologies of computer animation and simulation now adopted in practice by many architects. Cyberspace is basically about a non-physical space we are able to interact with in a manner that virtually simulates reality or the physical interaction process. Even if it occasionally looks natural, this space remains wholly artificial. However, during the design process, cyberspace and virtual reality technologies offer the architect great enhancements in visualization, sensualization, and physical experience of virtual rooms. All of this is achieved at a fraction of the cost and speed of achieving such outcomes in physical space. '
But there are firms who are taking it to a completely new level.

Architecture space as virtual reality.

My research proposal will further try to flesh out how architecture is animated by cyberspace, the blurred boundary between the virtual and the actual, and how the different frameworks of these spaces can be used to inspire or illuminate one another. Drawing on examples like the Blur Building by DS+R and the Trans-ports project by Oosterhius it will further focus on issues of Digital theory, animated architecture and the design of reflexive environments. The proposal will also further investigate upon the effects of reflexive environments using installations and interactive architecture. (Digital Pavilion, Korea-ONL, Spots building, Berlin- Realities United and Color by Numbers, Stockholm)

Blur Building

Liz Diller on the blur building